Would You Buy XanGo Juice From This Man

Ray and Cheryl Herron | XanGo 500K to Visit Australia

Network marketing superstars, Ray and Cheryl Herron, with XanGo and other companies are to visit Australia.

Xango Juice Meeting Melbourne Australia Ray Herron

XanGo’s newest 500Ks, Ray and Cheryl Herron will be in Australia from March 9th to March 14th.

Meetings are in Grovedale Victoria on March 10th and in Melbourne on March 12th.

The Melbourne meeting will be at

The Celtic Club
316/320 Queen St (Cnr of LaTrobe & Queen St)

7pm for a 7:30pm start.

The Grovedale meeting is at a private residence, so drop me an email if you wish to attend, 6:30pm for a 7pm start.

Would I buy Xango juice from Ray Herron? In an instant is the answer. Ray is one of the most humble, genuine people walking this planet.

I have heard Ray talk on many occasions and been impressed by how down to earth he speaks and you know he has done everything he speaks about.

Ray explains how with simple tools and a desire to achieve, success in this industry is within the grasp of local people.

KICK start your 2014 come along and hear what Ray has  to say.

Have you heard of Jim Rohn?

Well Jim Rohn was a network marketing and personal development legend.

AND ……….. Jim Rohn was personal mentor to Ray Herron around 30 years ago. Ray readily admits that Jim Rohn is the main reason for changing Ray’s life forever.

Jim Rohn video.  Jim speaks on the idea of adding value to yourself.

“Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.” ~ Jim Rohn

Watch this video and hear what another network marketing superstar, Bob Proctor has to say about XanGo.

Below is a text from a post Ray did for XanGo.


In my experience, the key to overcoming rejection is learning to accept rejection. Rejection is part of life, and a thorough understanding of that serves us well. Remember: “You can’t take it personally.”

My theory is not to overcome rejection, but to understand that it is a very real part of this industry and any industry. You and I are not in the “convincing” business; we are in the “sorting” business. Therefore, we’re really only looking for those people who are looking for us.

A large part of the population are looking for two things: 1) natural shortcuts to better health, and 2) a legitimate means to earn extra money. Network marketing—and particularly XANGO—addresses these two issues perfectly.

With that in mind let’s allow rejection to work for us and not against us. Knowing that we are in the sorting business, let’s get real familiar with all the sorting tools that are available to us at XANGO—videos, brochures, conference calls, etc.

Find the particular tool that you think best resonates with the audience that you are looking for. (Your sponsorand other team members can help you with this.) Find the tool that’s short and to-the-point, and resolve to use it consistently. As you approach people, just be yourself; people will only buy your genuineness.

My advice is to avoid all scripts unless you truly can make them your own. Only you know how you feel about your products and opportunity. Just speak from your heart and simply ask people to take a look. If they reject your proposal—and many will—DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY. They are only rejecting the message, and not you. This is the sorting process, and it is absolutely necessary to find the ones that you are looking for.

Much has been said about the law of averages, and I know that applies directly to what you and I do. That’s where they get that old saying, “Some will, some won’t; so what?! Someone’s waiting!” You’ll never get to the ones who are waiting if you take rejection personally. Prospecting can really be fun—and profitable!

Well I hoped to see you at the Grovedale and the Melbourne meetings. Come up and say “Hello”.

If you feel uncomfortable coming alone just bring a few friends and ask for Robyn McVeigh …. that’s me! 🙂