Natural Energy Drink | XanGo Supplement


Things have changed with Zija buying out Xango. However the idea behind this post hasn’t changed and the ingredients are the same in Limitless.


Thought I’d let you all in on what I have been looking for, I have been trying to find a natural energy drink to use.   Recently a XanGo colleague told me I had to try their new product an energy drink called Limitless.

So I gave it a trial. Wow!! Is this stuff the real thing or not?

Now I have found that natural pick-me up.  I have been looking for a natural energy drink to help me through times when I’ve over done it.

For me I use it if I’m driving long distances for alertness, in the past I’d tend to drift and coffee didn’t cut it any more. Then I trialed it when I felt tired around the house and didn’t feel like posting a blog or Facebook update or make some dinner for the family.

Even searching under “natural energy drink” all I found were rubbish links and videos to products that contained tons of sugar, artifical sweeteners, artificial caffeine, too many carbs and just a waste of my time.

LIMITLESS Zija Natural Energy Drink contains:

  1. Liquid base of coconut water for proper hydration
  2. GABA or gamma-aminobutyric acid
  3. Korean (Panax) ginseng root
  4. Green tea leaves
  5. Taurine
  6. Apple polyphenols, fruit extract
  7. Gotu kola leaves
  8. Mangosteen fruit powder

From the first 60 seconds after I tried it, I knew it was working and I estimate it lasted for 5 hours. Amazing stuff.

Listen to the video and you’ll find out how all the ingredients in Limitless work to benefit you.

Only 3 grams of sugar compared to other popular brands with around 25 – 30 grams of sugar. The video has a great table that compares the calories and sugar content form competition energy drinks.

I haven’t been able to find a natural energy drink that has the quality of ingredients that this “Limitless” by XanGo has in it.

Have you found anything better?

For me I use it if I’m driving long distances for alertness, in the past I’d tend to drift and coffee didn’t cut it any more.

Give Limitless a trial you only need a sachet to know if it works. All new customers get the 30 day money back guarantee.


YouTube video on “Ignite” Nitric Oxide Supplement.

You might also like this anti aging blog post on XanGo’s newest product for 2013 called now called Ageless.