XanGo and Zija Independent Distributors
For distributors in Canberra, New South Wales, Northern Territory , Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria
Xango has folded all active reps are now Isagenix Independent Associates.
Welcome to the first monthly update for Australian businesses. In this and coming monthly blog posts “Mangosteen Wonder” will attempt to be the place where you can find everything that is going on that influences your business.
Now, I realise I may be biting off more than I can chew. However, just like network marketing if you don’t try, it is not that you won’t succeed … you just won’t know.
Before I forget if I miss something, get on and leave a comment and tell me what I have forgotten about the month just gone.
So what happened in XanGo Australia during February.
- Individual product purchases for Juni personal natural care products were made available.
- Dave Webb, Vice president for Communications visited Australia doing meetings in Gold Coast, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Bunbury and Busselton. No pun intended but XanGo is hot stuff in Western Australia at present. Dave’s visit details were covered in another post.
- Laarni Hernando, Elite Services liasion was promoted to oversee the entire market place as Australasian Market Liasion and Elite Services.
- Kelly Allred Senior Manager, Distributor Relations U.S., Canada has had Australia and New Zealand markets added to her portfolio.
- Joe Morton, XanGo founder and responsible for the whole XanGo business will in future be involved in the Australasian marketplace.
- Australia distributors can now make use of the weekly product calls and training that occur presently at 10 AM AEDT on Wednesdays. See further details below.
- Dwayne Dyer, XanGo 500K, the distributor responsible for starting the company’s network of distributors began the first of a series of state by state visits to Australia. Dwayne arrived in Australia on February 25 and departs March 7. Dwayne’s will meeet with Victorian distributors in varied locations, from home meetings to boardroooms; beginning in Essendon, Ascot Vale and Doncaster to Horsham and Lorne. More on this next month.
- Release of Lip Balm in 3 flavours, berry coconut, mint breeze and my favourite Yuzu ginger. For NFR sale only to distributors and preferred customers.
Send in your favourite Dwayne Dyer business tip that you learned during his visit. Get on the comments section and vote for where you would like Dwayne to visit next time.
Please note this postscript update. For a video detailing the Xango review and changes to the income plan follow the link in this text.
Now here are the phone meeting details for all distributors and customers.
Call-in number: 1.800.857.029 (toll-free)Wednesday, at present with time and call-in number by state below.
Perth – 7 a.m. / 08.9460.0829
Gold Coast – 9 a.m. / 07.5560.0956
Brisbane – 9 a.m. / 07.3811.0988
Adelaide – 9:30 a.m. / 08.8220.0836
Sydney – 10 a.m. / 02.9696.0774
Melbourne – 10 a.m. / 03.8779.7440
Canberra – 10 a.m. / 02.6210.0851
New Zealand – 12 a.m. / 0800.448.298
PIN # 120.87.075
Joe realises that this time can be inconvenient for Australian distributors, especially on week days. Laarni Hernando has requested that you contact your upline and ask them to pass on a time that suits better and can fit in with the time zone that Joe and colleagues are in , between 4 pm and 12 midnight Mountain Time USA. This works out to be 10 am to 6 pm our time but one day earlier. Perhaps Joe is giving us some incentive to earn more and work XanGo full-time from home earning a massive, passive income that is possible. Lets get to work. 🙂
That is it until the March update, so please let us all know if I have missed anything. Make a comment below.
Leaving you with this quote from a book Joe recommended on the training call.
“Nature helps every man to the thoughts which he most encourages.” ~ James Allen from “As A Man Thinketh” first published in 1903. I highly recommend reading James Allen, for inspiration, he was a thinker along the lines of “The Secret” long before that popular text was published.